Friday, October 1, 2010

snackTAXI to the Rescue

I have been making my daughter's lunch for quite a while now and sending it with her each day to daycare. Now that she has started kindergarten, not only do we have to have lunch but we have to send snack too! I feel like I am using more and more Ziplock bags for anything and everything....because they are so easy.

Well after getting over my blond moment I remembered the coolest thing I bought a while ago. It is called a snackTAXI! It is a reusable bag made in different sizes for snacks and sandwiches and even in shopping bag size. I have 2 snack size pack and I absolutely LOVE them. I send them to school in my daughter's back pack every day with her snack.

They are super easy to clean and the snack size fits quite a bit for snack! They come in ton of colors and patterns. I love them all! Here is one of my current favorites!

photos form

I am happy about saving money on all the disposable sandwich bags and I am being a little "green" in the process!

Go check them out for yourselves at

Have a great weekend!


  1. WE LOVE SNACK TAXI! Tried many many of these types of baggies but these are our favs, by far! Super cute designs - a little pricey but worth it! Ohhhhh and earth friendly!

  2. These are so cute! I love them!

  3. those are so cute.. following from the friday blog hop. hop on over and check me out at

  4. Great Blog! Hopped from FFF. New Follower

  5. very cute, will have to look at these once my little ones are ready for school!

    Here from NFF, have a great weekend!

  6. These are toooo cute...

    Thanks so much for swinging by our little corner of the bloggyverse.. and for the follow.. we are now following back... Have a great weekend...

  7. My nieces live in Portland and the picture on your page reminded me of my Jen. She bikes everywhere there when not walking her chocolate minpin (her baby).
    The snaktaxi is a perfect solution to endless plastic bags. Thanks for sharing that suggestion.

    Newest follower from the (OR southern coast) FFF. Have a Great Weekend!

    Nana (Patty) Poppins

  8. How neat those things are!!! I'll have to check out the website. Following you from Boost My Blog Friday. Glad I found your blog! :-)


  9. What a fabulous idea ! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. Im a new follower! I used to live in Portland - I miss so many things about it.

  11. I'm here from the Making Friends Monday Blog Hop. I follow you please follow me back I am new to this so please be patient with me, thanks, have a great Monday.


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