Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Well here comes Halloween

Right on the heels of summer ending and school comes the Halloween decorations, the Halloween, costumes, the Halloween get my point. Every year it seems like the put out the holiday paraphernalia earlier and earlier. But then I think about it and it really is not that far away.

Soon we will be trying to decide what to be for Halloween. This year I have no clue what my 5 year old will want to be. Other year were easy...Dora or any Princess...but this year...I am not sure yet. If I had to guess, it may be Hannah Montana! Wohoo! I guess it could be worse and I know in the years to follow we will see some good ones!

It got me thinking about my favorite costume from my childhood....I think it was when I dressed up as a hippie.

What is your favorite Halloween costume you can remember form your childhood??

1 comment:

  1. Really, it wasn't the year you dressed up in Kennebec? It wasn't a hippie...


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