Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hop Hop Hippity Hop

Do I hear the pitter patter of the Easter Bunny? Well he stopped by for a visit at our house. Eggs, eggs and more eggs were all over the house! Hunting for Easter Eggs always makes me think of my childhood and what the Easter Bunny would leave for me. Of course there was the basket full of goodies but it was the eggs I remember vividly. They were the hard coated marshmallow eggs that no one really liked to eat! We would just hide them over and over all day long. What were those really made of???

Check out the Candyblog here to learn all you wanted to know about these interesting eggs! and if you must have some of these delightful eggs go to the Candy Warehouse.
Have a wonderful Easter full of delicious treats!!


  1. Hope Allison had a great day and sounds like your egg hunt was fabulous!

  2. EASTER? We need an update and some new pictures of your beautiful house!


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