Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Soccer Girl

It has been emotional enough with my daughter starting kindergarten, but every day something new seems to get to me! Last week she started Soccer lessons. We were not quite sure whether or not she would even want to go out on the field or try to kick the ball.

We pictured her just standing there with a sour look on her face (which we happen to see a lot). But she surprised us and had a great time. She is on the same team with her best friend and another friend that she has not seen in a while. So things are going great!

So it is really just Mom who needs to get her emotions is check and toughen up! The next hurdle is a field trip her class is taking in a few weeks. Field trip? She is not old enough for that is she! Yikes...yes she is.

Here she is (blondie in the middle) with her coach running some plays (LOL)

Here she is just hanging out at her cousin's game all dressed up in her "Sporty Spice" outfit!!

Have a great Tuesday!!


  1. She's adorable!
    Following from Tagalong Tuesday...would love to have you follow back!

  2. So cute! I just can't believe how much she looks like you - she is super cute and yes, growing everyday (tear....)


  3. Hi I am Nicole from ColiesKitchen.com I found you on a blog hop and wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  4. Hi!! Thank you for stopping by my blog! My son is in Kindergarten and he plays soccer too. Although tonight, not very well! :) Can't wait to read more on your blog, your daughter is too precious! ::Kristin::

  5. What a cutie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following! I'm following you back! Have a great week!


  6. Very adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm your newest follower :)

  7. Stopping by from Catch a Wave! I'm a GFC follower


  8. So many changes, and I'm sure there will only be plenty more during the next year.

    I'm your newest follower, and I would like to invite you to The Wednesday Window . It is the place to feature your favorite blog post of the past week or so, for more details check out Frugality Is Free.

  9. I am a brand new follower, hope you'll follow back! http://questfortheperfectclothdiaper.blogspot.com/

  10. Following you from Follow Me Back Tuesday.

    Have a wonderful week.
    Best wishes,

  11. My daughter LOVES playing soccer - I bet yours will too! Found you through a blog hop...cute blog!


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