Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What fun!

Recently my daughter was invited to a birthday party for one of her best friends, Kaleb. At first I was hesitant because it was indoor go carting....for 5 year olds??? But then I looked into it and we couldn't miss this party. They brought out about 15 Jeeps and cars just their size. It was adorable. At first Allison was reluctant but it did not take long for her to get in her groove. She went around and around by her self and the then with a younger passenger.

She had a blast and didn't want to get out of the car!

After they all got to ride around the track for close to an was time for pizza, cake and ice cream. While the were eating, all the cars were brought in to the party room. The kids got to ride...or more specifically...crash into each other like bumper cars.
As I watched her in the car....her is one picture which seemed like a glimpse into the future....yikes!

Lately it seems like I am getting more chances to see how fast she is growing up and what I have ahead of me....and it is really scary! It remember myself all too well. Good times are ahead for sure!

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Let's hope they don't exactly replicate our behavior in the days ahead! Scary! One word = Gettys



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