Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday is the last day of my work week and so much more....

Well it is finally Friday again...the last day of the week before the weekend....and a lot of last for my daughter! She starts kindergarten next Thursday.

So for her this is the last Friday she will ever NOT be in school, the last Friday she gets to have the Ice Cream Truck at day care (huge deal for her), this is the last day she will be in her preschool room at daycare and this is the last day she will have to take a nap at school!! I am sure there are more I am forgetting but I think that is enough...right!

As emotional as I am, I am still very excited for her to start school, meet new friends and learn so much more! She is very excited too! We get to ride the bus with her on Monday, that should be adorable...I cannot wait!

No more lounging around at the pool for us!

Also....just a reminder that my GIVEAWAY ends on Monday so check it out at the link to the top right! Low entries so you have a great chance! Thank you and good luck.

Have a great weekend!!

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