Friday, July 30, 2010

Bring on the Bread

Once upon a time, I remember there was something time. Before I had my daughter it seemed as though I had so much spare time I didn't know what to do with it all. Now....5 years later I barely have time for anything else but work, family time and sleep. I squeeze in eating a few meals (and a bit of blogging) in there too!

When I did find time to do something for myself I loved to bake! I am a much better baker than I am a cook. I blame that on my picky eating habits...that yes, I have passed down to my daughter. Since experimenting with different food was not my thing I was drawn to the sweets! I really don't have a sweet tooth ( I am more of a chip gal) but I have a much better chance of liking what I am making and frankly I think I am just better at it!!
One of my favorite things to make is bread. Banana bread and zucchini bread most of all. I found the best banana bread recipe in the Marjorie Standish Cooking Down East cookbook. Check it out here.
This cook book has other really good recipes but I find myself using the banana bread recipe all the time! So wish me luck....I am all ready to go!!

Have a great Weekend!


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