Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Green Grass, Really?

When you live in Maine you come to expect to have...well...snow in the winter. We have missed the last two huge storms that hit the east coast not getting even a flake. Here I sit in my kitchen looking out the window....there is GREEN GRASS. The snow is almost all melted away but as it melted in one spot there is green grass now exposed. Does that mean it never got brown or does that mean it is growing again?

We are supposed to be getting a storm today but it is likely to be all rain....since it is currently 36 degrees and supposed to get up to 40! Can we say Global Warming? Now don't get me wrong....I am not complaining. I really do not like snow at all. I should really live in a warmer climate but I cannot convince my husband to move. So here I will stay wearing my warm sweaters sitting next to my portable heater.

Take a look at the green grass near the fence in the back. Enjoy your day!


  1. Green grass, brown grass, whatever...anything has got to be better than snow! Spring fever, here we come!

  2. Hi Karen, we just started to see shades of green here in PA and wouldn't you know it, more snow in the forecast. I'd love to blame Punxsutawney Phil but he's just so darn cute:)

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.


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