Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Keeping Company Thursday Blog Hop

I am linking up with a great Blog Hop today.  And check out who is in the #3 spot!! 

Join in the fun with the Keeping Company Thursdays Blog Hop hosted by Traci66 and Heck of a Bunch. 
Meet your Hostesses


Follow these simples rules and add your blog to the linky below.

* 1. Copy and Paste the 'Keepin' Company Thursday" banner and write a blog post about it on your page, explaining to your blog followers how it works and how to join. (You can find this on my right side bar or on Heck of a Bunch right side bar)

* 2. Follow the first two blogs, which are the hostesses, Heck of a Bunch and Traci66. We will follow back.

* 3. Follow the "LUCKY" #3 spot winner.

For this hop to really work you'll need to follow the 'honor code' and help us spread the word about Keepin' Company Thursday.
*4. Go to as many blogs on the list as possible and follow them.

*5. Leave them a comment saying. "Hey! I'm a new follower from "Keepin' Company Thursday" Check out my blog too! Thanks!" They should all follow you back because that's what this is all about!

*6. If you get a follower via Keepin' Company Thursday please follow them back.

*7. Add your blog name and the URL to your Keepin' Company Thursday Post to the linky below

* You can also grab the code below to add to your post if you want the thumbnails to appear in your post.

 How to get to be in the #3 spot

 * If you add the Keepin' Company button to your sidebar or post and leave either of the hostesses, Heck of a Bunch or Traci66, a comment letting us know where to find it we will randomly draw a blog to be in the #3 spot next week. We would really appreciate if you did this step so we can spread the word about Keepin' Company Thursdays.

Have a great Thursday and have fun hopping!


  1. new follower from Keeping Company. Cute blog.

  2. New follower from Keeping Company Thursday blog hop!

  3. Hello,

    You have a great plan to make your blog popular.
    Frankly, i like the header image that you'e used on your blog. reflects your personality in a big way. anyways i wish you good luck. Keep posting good content like this and you're sure to have repeat visitors who always love the way you share new things!

  4. Followed your blog! Please follow back
    I also have a FB page!
    And a Twitter!
    I also have some giveaways going on right now. Here is one for a 15.00 walmart card

  5. Hiya newest follower from Keepin' Company! Feel free to follow back if you like! Thanks!

  6. Newest follower to you, and fellow foodie. I'll grab your button for my page. Follow back if you would like and grab a recipe or two!

    Ashley E

  7. Hi! What a fun blog! I'm a new follower from Keepin Company Thursday - congrats on being featured!

    I think you'd have fun at, where Disney IS school. Hope you can stop by!


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