Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stick with me

As you may or may not have noticed, I have been posting less frequently than normal in the past few weeks.  Things have gotten so hectic around here with birthdays, dance recitals, end of the school year commitments, BBQs, and oh ya....work, work and more work.  I have been so crazy busy I don't know which end is up these days!

I have made the decision to take a small blog break.  I am going to take some time to organize my thoughts but more importantly take some time for my family and friends.  I feel like I was spending too much of my free time (which is not much time at all) into the blog and reading others.  I know I will continue to read other blogs and keep up with the what is going on, I just can't take the time to post for a bit. I hope to come back with a new and improved blog with new direction! 

So I ask you to bare with me and stick around for what is to come!!

But for now, don't forget to take time for your family and friends this summer and make it a great one!!  I know I will!


  1. Sad to hear you'll be away but completely understand. You've built such a great following over the past few months and I know that will continue. Love ya kid! Enjoy your Summer and doing what's most important!

  2. thanks for stopping by Couponing Texas...we are now followers of your blog as well....looking forward to Friday hop

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    I know a lot of people need this to help them stay happy in their marriages. You can contact Priest Obongibok let him help you; write him on email obongibok@priest.com or WhatsApp +13612367973.

    Selma Espinosa

  5. I just can't take the time to post for a bit. I hope to come back with a new and improved blog with new direction! square pillow covers , ac blankets for summer ,
